
Showing posts from March, 2019

Risk assessment

Possible injuries that can occur: -Pulley related injury How to resolve this issue and prevent issues occurring: -Ensure that pulleys are safely operated and that those using the pulleys handle them safely. Also, ensure they are aware of hazards. Possible injuries that can occur: -Rig collapsing How to resolve this issue and prevent issues occurring: - Ensure rig is fastened securely and set up in a clear area to avoid anything knocking it down. Possible injuries that can occur: -Camera falling How to resolve this issue and prevent issues occurring: Due to the camera being placed above the head of the actors, I will fasten the camera securely onto the rig using multiple layers of duct tape and a secondary rig that the camera is tightened onto. Possible injuries that can occur: Light damaging the eye How to resolve this issue and prevent issues occurring: Ensure that the lights are not shining directly at patients using a slight angle on the camera set up to


INTRO: The opening shot will look slightly like this, with the floorboards being the main shot with a faded light, the title will zoom in and fade out before the actors go into the shot. This first scene will be silent for roughly 10 seconds before the song begins the video features three actors moving in and out of the shot using pulleys. I like the light effects and will replicate both the movement of the actors and the lights as they are entertaining, quirky and portray the brand image of my artist. In order to do this, I will strap my camera to a metal stand to get the same downward facing shot. I will also be exploring different fonts PRE-CHORUS: This is my second shot for the pre-chorus, the duration of which will feature only one of my actors who is also the artist of the song lipsyncing. She will stay in shot whilst two actors will move in and out of shot. The lighting for this will also be red and white. CHORUS: The chorus will feature all three p


Lighting Whilst deciding on the lighting for my video I explored numerous options and combinations to see which ones are both aesthetically pleasing and effective in matching the tone of the video whilst complimenting the actors' clothing. The possible combinations included: Red and blue- which I found to be too distracting when put together in strobe Blue and green- these two colors blended together, so it didn't has as much of a distinctive change in tone Red and white- This combination works really well as the colors are not similar therefore when they change during the fast beats of the song they are more noticeable and have more of an impact when they change. 

Location report

I want my video to be quirky, innovative and entertaining. To capture and display this to my audience the location plays a vital role, in my video, I will be using two locations floorboards in a hall and a white wall. The reasoning behind these choices stemmed from the inspiration I had gotten from other examples of music videos I deemed quirky and entertaining. They all shared one common effect which is lighting, therefore in order to display the lighting effects to its fullest capacity I chose plain walls and floorboards as they don't overpower the lighting effects, pull focus from the main actors in the video and distract the audience. The lighting will consist of red and white lighting as they are the right colours to not create too much of a distraction for the audience.


Treatment Song: Hope by The Chainsmokers Genre: Dance music Target audience: 16+, no specific gender Narrative: Cuts from characters in the video moving in and out of frame whilst lip syncing and close up shots  Location: Stage                  Room wall Props: pulleys            light system            Jackets            Camera Rig Budget: low budget music video, used the materials I already own