Website Research
When conducting research into artists websites and designs, I opted to choose artists and bands who produce the same genre of music as my artist. The first website I looked at was Jorja Smith's, her website design was very simple using only plain colors such as greens, whites, and blacks. The first page featured a large photo of her, this is something I want to incorporate into my website. This highlights who the artist is to the audience. As well as her new video and her tour dates Dua Lipa's website is another source of inspiration for me as it features vibrant colors with the edit of a photo of the artist. This is something I will incorporate into my website as I want to carry out media convergence between my video and my artist through the use of vibrant colors and edits. Although Tame Impala is a band, I can draw a lot of inspiration from this website, as their home page includes trippy edits and photos...